How do you specify what the state table application says?

Prompts are used in state tables to specify what a caller hears. A prompt not only identifies the words spoken to the caller, but also specifies the logic of when and how the words are spoken.

A prompt can be simple or complex, depending on whether the prompt always speaks the same words or whether the prompt logic specifies conditions for speaking different phrases. For example, you might want an application to greet callers with the phrase “good morning” if it is before noon and “good afternoon” if it is after noon. To do so, you can construct a prompt that tests whether the time is before 12:00 or after 12:00. Depending on the results of the test, the prompt follows “good” with either the word “morning” or the word “afternoon”.

System prompts

System prompts are supplied with Blueworx Voice Response. Each of these prompts accepts a number as input and speaks it in a different way. For example, if you want 12.34 spoken as a real number, it is spoken as “twelve and thirty-four hundredths”, but 12.34 spoken as a currency amount in U.S. English would be “twelve dollars and thirty-four cents”. System prompts can speak numbers as integers, ordinals, dates, times, and telephone numbers.

The system prompts are available in several national languages. You can create your own versions of them for other languages or to meet local requirements.

System prompts use voice segments to produce the individual numbers, letters and other common sounds. A set of frequently-used voice segments is provided with Blueworx Voice Response. For more information about using and creating voice segments see Creating the voice output for applications.