

TromboneConnectCall is usually used by the originator of the trombone function (the caller) to connect the two halves of a trombone operation, after the original state table has set up the outbound part of the trombone using the TromboneMakeCall custom server. When it receives this request, the custom server uses TDM Manager to connect the caller and third party using the TDM bus. When this completes successfully, TromboneConnectCall returns a zero response in the connect_call_status to indicate that the two trombone parties are now connected.

If this process fails, TromboneConnectCall returns a non-zero response in connect_call_status to indicate that the trombone connect operation has failed for the given reason.

Input parameters


Output parameters

short trombone_connect_call_status:

The status of the connect request; zero means that the operation was successful. Error cases are shown in Table 1 and are a subset of those shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Return values for the trombone_make_call_status parameter of the TromboneMakeCall function

Make Call Status

Error Description


Trombone function request was successful.


CA_Get_Channel_Info() failed, probably because the outbound call was terminated.


A TDM connect or disconnect request failed because of an adapter hardware problem.


A TDM connect or disconnect request failed because the requested port was already connected. This may be caused by other applications running that can make TDM connect and disconnect requests.


A TDM connect or disconnect request failed because there was no call present. One of the parties has probably hung up.


A TDM connect or disconnect request failed because the Timeslot Manager was not ready. It may be very busy, or not available.


A TDM connect or disconnect request failed because of an internal custom server problem.


A TDM connect or disconnect request failed because of an unexpected return code from the connect or disconnect request.

