Prompt Volume Ceiling Default (dBm)

Parameter group

Application Server Interface

Access level


Possible values

0 through 50




Specifies the difference, in decibels (dBm), between the maximum permissible volume on the line and the maximum volume at which prompts are played. If you make the difference larger, prompts are played more quietly. This parameter is intended for use with background music. If you want to raise the volume of background music between prompts, specify a difference of 2 decibels for this parameter and a difference of 7 decibels for the Music Volume Ceiling Default (dBm) parameter. The state table can then use the ControlMusic action to raise and lower the volume of the music relative to the background maximum.

Blueworx Voice Response ensures that the values of Prompt Volume Ceiling Default (dBm) and Music Volume Ceiling Default (dBm) cannot together cause the volume on the line to exceed the maximum permissible volume.

This parameter can be overridden in an application by the System: Prompt : Volume ceiling system variable (SV223).