How to create a new technical difficulties message

Use the following procedure to record a new voice segment that is to be used as the technical difficulties message, and to use the new message.

  1. Record the new message as a voice segment. You can use the supplied state table Record_Uncomp for this.
  2. Use the Voice Segment Editor to export the segment to a file:

    Welcome window —> Applications —> Voice Segments then choose Language, Voice Directory and Voice Segment then Utilities —> Export

    Leave defaults and choose filename and click OK.

  3. Replace the message: Log in as dtuser.
  4. If the system displays the Login menu:
            Blueworx Voice Response User Login
    1) Start Blueworx Voice Response Processes
    2) Do Not Start Blueworx Voice Response 
    Enter choice (or <ENTER> for option list)
    Select option 2.
  5. Type the following command and press Enter:
    su root
  6. Run the script $VAETOOLS/TechDiffusing the following parameters:
    sets the maximum decibel level of the message. A good starting point for this value is -11. If the message is quiet, you can make it louder by using a value of -14.
    sets the voice file (full path)

    For example:

    TechDiff -d-11 -f/home/dtuser/TechDiff.comp

    When using the -d and -f parameters both must be present or both absent.

    Note: If you are using a PCI machine and the technical difficulties message is not available, error 27010 (pack enablement failed) is generated and the file name is shown in the explanation.
  7. Querying the current setting: You can query the setting of the technical difficulties message by using:
    TechDiff -q

    The message can be reset to the supplied default by using:

    TechDiff -r

When the new message is available: The new technical difficulties message is loaded when Blueworx Voice Response is restarted.